I'm here to support your transformation. I offer a unique approach to healing and problem solving through channeling, shamanic & quantum healing, regression methods and life coaching. We will get clear on your vision and goals and begin the process of shifting. It's a very alchemical process to transition from stuck to movement. Transformations are layered and take time to build awareness, integrate and fully embody the new you. The process is exciting and challenging as you awaken to all that is possible. You truly can have a life that reflects your hopes and dreams. Your life can be totally different than it is today.
We are multidimensional beings of light, we can tune into different frequencies and receive information to guide us into new ways of understanding, into new ways of being. We are powerful beyond measure. YOU can have anything you desire. You are your only block.
My Story
Mine is a gypsy soul. A soul who has come home to her wholeness, her authenticity, her magic. From a young age, I didn’t quite fit in or feel like I belonged. I related to the world and people differently than those around me. I felt souls, I felt energy, I heard messages, yet I didn't know how to make sense of it. Early experiences of sexual abuse and strict religious programming shaped my world. My pain would become my path.
In my twenties and thirties, I would often have the thought, I wonder when I will be who I am? A series of awakenings along with painful life experiences allowed me to dive deep into my woundedness, my healing and my purpose. My connection to energy and spirit was very strong, I learned how to channel and access my gifts. Following my heart and souls path has been a very deliberate and courageous journey, one that I am grateful for as it as allowed me to help hundreds of people and contribute positively to the changes occurring in our world. If you are ready to heal, to live your most authentic life, to take back your power, it would be my honor to help you.
Currently living in Utah, close to nature and my little family who I absolutely adore. I’m privileged to have the best friends and a conscious network of souls who are also contributing greatness to our world.
I go by both Julie, my given name, AND Ajna Sky, my channeling name. You can call me either.