Private Sessions
Intuition and energy work can be a vital part of the healing process when we are feeling stuck, run down, emotionally distraught, recovering from injuries, releasing trauma, going through life transitions, having relationship problems or simply need a little guidance. I will assist you in finding your way back to balance and bliss. **Everything shared in a session is held in love and total confidence, without judgement. Sessions are both healing and transformative.
Private sessions range form 45 min to 2 hours depending on intention/need and range in price based on service and time given.
Learn the Art of Meditation -through various techniques of stillness, mantra, breath work & mindfulness.
Private Kundalini Yoga class. Single session or small group
Coaching Sessions -life coaching to help you move forward and set personal and professional goals that will give you the life you really want.
Subtle energy work & Reiki to release blocks & trauma to allow your energy to flow as it is meant to.
Chakra balancing & deep relaxation with Sacred Sound for healing.